Awesome, Funny, YouTube

The Definition of Awesome: Happy Microwave

You know those times when you post something on Facebook and everyone seems to love it? Yeah that happened to me yesterday after I posted this:

Don’t you see it? It’s a happy microwave!! (albeit on its side, yet nonetheless happy).

Props to my sister for finding this gem posted on RayWilliamJohnson’s Facebook wall, which we took a look at after our bi-weekly watching of his You Tube videos – which are hilarious (it’s like a modern day America’s Funniest Home Videos with crazy commentary).

I think I found this year’s Purim costume 😉

Awesome, Frum Judaism, Funny

Frum Satire inspires me

So I usually don’t toot the horn of any one particular site or cause (partially because I dislike advertising in general), but when something hits me, no… when it dropkicks me and gives me a jackknife power-bomb and still shakes my hand after the fight, I take notice… and thus feel compelled to talk about it/publicize it here.

One of my favourite blogs – Frum Satire was absolutely on fire this past week, dishing out quality posts one after the other like the cholent pot had caught fire! (the blogger- Heshy Fried, actually works as a chef… so maybe there’s a greater connection between the kitchen and the computer screen then we even know…) Continue reading “Frum Satire inspires me”

Awesome, Judaism, Sports

The Definition of Awesome: Ricky Williams considers converting to Judaism

You can now add NFL running back Ricky Williams to growing list of high-profile, African-American public figures who have recently embraced Judaism.

Here’s the transcripts of a recent article which discusses Williams’ newfound appreciation for the Jewish faith:

According to an interview conducted by South Florida radio station, WQAM-560, the 33-year-old running back has recently been learning about the Jewish faith.

Williams began by studying the Jewish alphabet, and is currently interested in the Jewish Shabbat, Judaism’s weekly holy day. Continue reading “The Definition of Awesome: Ricky Williams considers converting to Judaism”

Awesome, Israel, media, YouTube

Jerusalem 2111: Whoa…

I came across a video the other day that really captivated me. It wasn’t because of what message it was trying to deliver, but rather I was taken back by the thrilling drama in a very unlikely and unfamiliar setting. And than… before I could say whoa, the climax/twist had me thinking “What?!”

Turns out the video was one of many entries for Jerusalem 2111, an international animation competition, which took place from July 2010 until the end of the calendar year. This above video took home third place. How I never came across any of these videos is a complete shock to me.

Continue reading “Jerusalem 2111: Whoa…”

antisemitism, Awesome, blog stuff, common sense, Current Events, Frum Judaism, Funny, holidays, Israel, Judaism, life, Loser List, media, News, Opinion, Random, rants, Thoughts about Life

10 Posts From 2010 Worth Remembering

When I look back on 2010, dear G-d I hope I can find some kind of solace and strength from a year I honestly want to forget and move on from… But if I can’t, I can always look back on some of these ditties that came about via this blog. Here are some of my top/favourite posts from this past calendar year: Continue reading “10 Posts From 2010 Worth Remembering”

Awesome, Judaism, YouTube

The Definition of Awesome: Frummies Dancing on a Highway

This video reminds of the good ol’ days in Israel… except we danced inside our vehicles (the bus) and didn’t cause a scene managing to get on TV. And the weather was nice… When the snow hit Toronto yesterday morning, I took one look and groaned. Then I closed my eyes and remembered I was reading the Torah at shul that morning and eventually had to face the snow. I almost got into an accident within the normally 5 minute drive, then extended to 10+ minutes due to the whitewash outside. Definitely not an occasion to bust out the Rebbe Nachman mix…

Nonetheless, this video makes me laugh 🙂

Awesome, Current Events

Movember 2010: My Top 3 Mo’s

In honour of Movember (yes I know it’s a little late in the month… but it’s never really too late to pay attention to beautiful causes like this), not only have I posted a photo of your’s truly with a well-grown mo, I’ve also posted photos of my three favourite moustaches of all-time. Happy Movember!


#3: Jamie Macoun

Former NHL Defenseman; He’s no Lanny McDonald, but Jamie Macoun will always be one of my favourite Mo’s

#2: Borat
Kazakh Journalist; The image on the left is the real deal, while the one on the right was my attempt at imitating greatness (minus the genuine mo).

#1 Zev Pilc
Father, hero;

My Dad’s Mo > All others. ‘Nuff said.

Awesome, Current Events, Israel, media, News, YouTube

Stephen Harper will defend Israel ‘whatever the cost’

It’s been well documented how awesome is Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Whether its regarding his ability to lead a nation during economically tough times, to his willingness to lighten up the mood sometimes with a bit of character, the PM definitely brings the awesomeness to the forefront.

But no more is this relevant than in the strong and outspoken support and praise the Prime Minister displays for Jews and the State of Israel. Continue reading “Stephen Harper will defend Israel ‘whatever the cost’”

Awesome, Judaism, YouTube

The Definition of Awesome: AJWS Public Service Announcement

I’ve gotta say, this is a nice video. I have no particular reason why, but it just is.

AJWS is short for the American Jewish World Service.

Here’s the text contained in the video description:

This AJWS public service announcement, created by uber-producer/director/writer Judd Apatow, shows a funnier, edgier side of global justice and features some big-name stars: Ben Stiller, Sarah Silverman, Jerry Seinfeld, John Mayer, Susan Sarandon, Sir Patrick Stewart, Andy Samberg, Ken Jeong, Tracy Morgan, Helen Hunt, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Gilbert Gottfried, Brian Williams and Triumph the Insult Comedy Dog. The PSA premiered at AJWS’s 25th anniversary celebration on October 28, 2010.

The best line has to be Ben Stiller’s “JAWS Week” or pretty much anything muttered by Triumph, The Insult Comic Dog. (In fact, Robert Smigel – the man behind the puppet, is indeed Jewish).


‘Nuff said.