Current Events, News

Famous people who died in 2011

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An annual TevyTown tradition (mostly because these posts bring me the most hits), we now bring to you a list of famous people who died in 2011. There were an insane amount of people who left us this year, and who knows – I may even have to update this list once more before the year ends (thanks Kim Jong-Il).

Nevertheless, here’s the list – which includes the name, age of death and a little ditty about who they were/what they’re most known for. The list begins with with the most recent passings:
When you see this * it means I put in my own little commentary.

And of course ‘famous’ is a subjective term. There are many well-known people who left us this year, and this list is my own subjective opinion who I wanted to include on this post. The ones left out are neither greater, nor lesser than those I’ve decided to include on this list.

Continue reading “Famous people who died in 2011”

Thoughts about Life

Thoughts on turning 24

When the clock struck midnight last night, the age twenty three I was no longer,  thus bringing forth the arrival of the Great Two-Four (as we like to call it north of border). And while my joy for the realization of that number is great, it doesn’t even come close to how happy I am to NOT be twenty three any more.

23 is now the past… And 24 is the future. (And I am Jack Bauer… racing against the clock, doing my very best to thwart the terrorists threatening to trample the town that is Tevy…)

(And yes… I just used ten straight words starting with ‘T’, and eleven out of twelve when including Tevy.)

And though finding it very hard to believe (being 24), I am nonetheless happy and very much looking forward to what next year has to offer.

And I wouldn’t be anywhere without the grace of G-d and the copious amount of support from all the people who care about me. I am beyond appreciative.

And since it is December 16 (and I of course want more hits), feel free to check out a previous post I wrote about said date. That being said, I’d like to wish all the people of Kazakhstan a very happy Independence Day…. It’s nice!!

Much thanks once again.

You’re older today. And that’s a good thing.H to the B, young fella.